Disaster Planning is not easy. It takes time, patience and above all practice. Essentially you are creating a policy and procedures manual on how your business will respond to a disaster. You will need to create a plan for various types of disasters that you may face during the lifeof your business.
For example, the way you respond to a fire will be different from the way you respond to a theft or weather related disaster. For a fire, you will need to be in recovery mode immediately while for a hurricane, you will have time to prepare. Your disaster plan will become your roadmap to business survival in the event of a disaster.
When putting together your plan, you will need to create a flow chart describing the steps you will take to prepare and respond to several different types of disasters. Keeping it simple yet descriptive will aid you in knowing that anyone can follow your plan. This is your business insurance policy and will make the difference between keeping open the doors to your business and closing after a disaster. Remember that over 60% of businesses never reopen after a disaster.
Here are some key elements of a good Disaster Plan;
1) emergency supply list
2) job functions for all employees during an emergency
3) emergency and non emergency protocal (what to do and who does it)
4) employee directory
5) customer and vendor directory
These are just a few of the important steps you must reveiw in order to be prepared for a business disaster. Developing a “Round Robin” call/text program will insure that all parties will be contacted in a timely manner. Compiling and executing a solid business disaster plan will give peace of mine. Remembe that you have worked hard to create your business with time, effort, money so don’t take the chance of losing it all. Plan today to stay in business. Plan today to recover from whatever life may throw your way and plan now avoid confusion, overwhelming stress and heartache. Put your Disaster Plan together, practice it and enjoy the fruits of your labor for years to come.
Please check out my website” www.cleaningbusinessconsultinggroup.com/store for information on my Business Disaster Planning Kit. Workbook, audio c/ds,templates, and a real “fill in the blanks” plan is available in our kit.
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