The easy of sealing the deal when closing a sale can be summed up in one or 2 words; “stop the pain”! Every prospect you meet has some kind of stress or pain associated with the cleaning of their office space. Otherwise they would not have called you. The cleaning crew did not show up, they missed several trash bins, they forgot to refill the dispensers, they don’t dust, they don’t sweep the entry doors, they bring their children, and my all time favorite ” they just don’t clean”.
You’ve heard it all, I’m sure.
So how can you turn their “pain” into your gain? Simple. First identify that pain with questions and a good listening ear. Listen carefully to what your prospect tells you when you are walking through the building or home. Ask questions that will help you not only price the job accurately, but also give you some insight into the real concerns of the prospect.
Once you have identified the most critical issues to the prospect, gear your sales efforts and focus on those items.
Here’s an example: If the prospect tells you that one concern is not cleaning the restrooms thoroughly, then make certain your proposal focuses on the disinfectant products you use in restrooms as well as the training your employees receive on restroom sanitizing techniques.
If they tell you that the previous company didn’t show up on several occasions, describe the systems you have in place to assure that jobs are not missed.
Whatever the “pain” is that you will hear about during the walkthrough, make the resolution of that pain your sales pitch. Describe in detail how you will address those issues and remove that stress from his/her day. Try it, you will be surprised how it’ll increase your closing rate. Let me know how it goes.
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