“If you do business today the way you did business yesterday, you won’t be here
tomorrow”. A business philosophy that has helped many business owners stay focused
on vision and goals.
This mantra holds true in that if you are not open to new methods and ideas, you will
find your business becoming stagnate and to a screeching halt!
Your personal and business goals will be unfulfilled and you will be caught up in the day
to day mundane exercise of putting one foot in front of the other just trying to get
through the day. It takes courage to pursue your dream. It takes drive and desire to want
to push yourself to reach for heights greater than those you have known before.
Ask yourself these important questions:
My goals; What plans to I have for my company? Do I want to stay small and easily
manageable or do I want growth and expansion adding employees and volume.
How will I manage growth? What services will I offer? Do I have the funding to
support expansion? What personal skills will I have to develop to move my
business forward and realize my dream? What will my company look like in 5 years,
10 years? What will be my exit plan?
My plan; Have I put in writing my goals or is it all in my head? Do I have a business
plan? Have I figured out how to get the money for growth? Do I have a plan to
market my company? What about advertising? What, where, when and how?
My target customer; Have I determined from which demographic I can realize the
most growth? Have I studied my market? Have I analyzed the competition and their
pricing? Do I have a plan for advertising and getting my company known? Have I
identified the obstacles to my growth?
Before you can move forward, you must know where you are. Like following a road
map, you can’t get to the next stop if you don’t know where you are right now. Ask
yourself these important questions to determine where you are today, and decide where
you want to be tomorrow. The answers should not be the same.
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