How do you do that? It’s not stretch to say that out industry has gotten a bad rap throughout the years and an image that we must constantly strive to overcome.
The image of the cleaning industry has been an uphill battle that is fought and won on a daily basis. The public perception of our industry can be one that sees our work not as desirable as other types of work, pays lower wages than other types of work and attracts employees who may be less qualified for other types of work. Generally, people view cleaning, whether it is in homes or offices as something they find undesirable to do and find themselves thinking less of the people who do this work for a living. As much as we would like this NOT to be true, it is a reality or perception that many people have.
Some of this positive image deficiency has been our own doing. We can be our own worst enemy. As businesses owners, we have absolute control of much of the image we project and how we are perceived by the public. I can say with pride that the industry has moved forward by leaps and bounds during the 28 years I have been involved. I remember well the 1st BSCAI convention I attended as a new business owner where I found myself surrounded by “janitors” and a few residential cleaning business owners. Most all of them, with heavy pockets full of keys from the offices and homes they cleaned themselves, looked like they just came in from a 10 hour move out with no help, no air and no shower or shave! It was truly a sight that would make anyone run screaming from the event.
The transformation during the past years has been remarkable. Today when attending conventions we see “suit” type, business leaders who are true role models for the industry. Most all are technically savvy with BlackBerry’s, I phones, netbooks, Bluetooth devices and every other updated piece of technology known to man. There are ATP Hygiene meters that measure sanitation, sophisticated software programs that can calculate the profitability of each account or home that you clean, vehicle tracking devices so that you know where crews are at any given moment and comprehensive online training programs that keep even the newest in our business current with new products and technology. There are many sought after certifications that show the public how committed you are to increasing your level of expertise in your work. All this has become the Best Practices or Gold Standard for our industry.
So what can you, the business owner do to enhance the role you play in the industry image and how can you help the “cause”? For starters, you can create an atmosphere of professionalism and corporate leadership within your own company. Having a clearly defined company culture that encourages quality employees to stay with you and be proud of their work is a beginning. Offering training in not only cleaning techniques and company policies, but customer care and contact as well will enhance your company image. Providing uniforms and requiring them to be clean and neat when coming to work helps employees know and keep your standards. A session on basic grooming should be on the agenda for every new hire orientation program as well as at regular company training meetings. Make it part of your culture.
From the way they drive in your company vehicles( do they follow polite rules of the road) to how they speak to a customer(are they courteous, well mannered and informed), to where they smoke, to stopping at the local pub after work in your company uniform, all of these have potential to damage or enhance your company image. Your employees are the ambassadors for your business.
As you invest more in training and developing employees, you elevate their position and encourage a sense of pride and ownership in your company. Sending them to conventions when possible, having them conduct part of the training meetings, adding responsibilities when warranted and encouraging their progress will give you a return on investment like no other. Positive reinforcement or the “catch them doing something good” philosophy will reap benefits back to you quickly. Your employees are the currency of your company, they represent you in everything they do and say. Truly, they are more critical to your success than is the client. They can raise or lower the image of your company with the tone of their voice when communicating with customers.
Do they convey the image you are thrilled with? If the answer is yes, keep up the good work, you are doing your part to build and enhance the industry image. If the answer is “no” and you shudder to think about what is really happening when they are face to face with customers, you have some work to do.
It rolls from the top down! It all starts with YOU and the tone you set in your company. Employees generally want to please their employer so when your standard for excellence is set low and you speak unkindly of a client or another employee, you can hardly expect a different reaction from your staff. Not insisting on phone courtesy, clean vehicles, clean and pressed uniforms, appropriate shoes, no ragged cutoffs, no smoking on the walkway to the house, no dumping bucket water on the newly planted grass, no cell phone use in the home will bring an avalanche of image issues that are tough to turn around.
With everyday and every home, every phone call and every contact, as long as someone is wearing your company shirt or answering your phone or driving your marked vehicles, it’s SHOWTIME. It’s your image on the line daily; make sure the story being told is the one you want.
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