Thoughts on the FTC ban?

Read the full article here What Does the New FTC Ban on Non-Competes Mean for Your Cleaning Business? Non-compete agreements are essential for protecting employers from losing intellectual property, employees, trade secrets, and customers. There are already lawsuits...

Part Time or Full Time? What’s right for you?

Part Time vs. Full Time Which is Right for Your Company? So much controversy about which is best for your service company; Part Time or Full Time employees.  Some say Full Time people make the best employees and others are passionate about hiring only Part Timers....

The Price Is Right….Or Is It?

The most important skill a service business owner needs to learn is the art of pricing jobs profitably. Profitably being the key word here. It’s not something you can or should find out in a FB group, or by asking friends in the industry or by guessing because to do...

Want to Increase Profitability? Here’s How!

Profit, profit and more do we get more? The reason we are in business (unless we are a charitable organization) is to make money.  Isn’t that why we do what we do?  So how do we get more of the green stuff to show up in our bank accounts? There are a...

It’s OK to Say NO!

I get inquires everyday from my clients who want to take on every job that comes their way. Their eyes glaze over with the thought of $$$$$ in their bank accounts.  I have been contacted to price everything from church steeples (pressure washing) to walls in an...