Do I Give A Discount To Get A New Client?

So much buzz about getting and keeping customers I felt we needed to address this strategy.   In this time of competitive thinking, bottom of the barrel pricing and creative ways to get new clients, one has to wonder if the old time methods can still work.  Old time...

Is YOUR Service REALLY this Good?

Well I was once again “wowed” by the level of customer satisfaction I felt with doing business recently with a local small business.  The culture of customer care and concern permeated throughout the company.  I know this because from the person who...

No La De Da! Stop Procrastinating!

Oh Oh…she’s back! the wicked witch of procrastination.  She comes and goes at her leisure and at times takes weary business owners with her.  She can surface at any time of the day or night or any day of the week.  She isn’t concerned about you or...

Ability to Respond: Do You Have It?

There will be days when nothing goes right!  From employees who don’t show up, to customers who demand the moon, to equipment failures and everything in between.   At the top of the list is of course taking care of the customer.  Whether it’s a late...

Does Letting Go Keep You Up at Night?

What do you do? It’s a business you started and in many cases you started it  by personally cleaning homes or offices. You grew slowly and added people to help you. At first it was one person, then another and then several. Until now, you have a business with...