The Top of Your Desk Tells It All! read that correctly!  What does the top of your desk look like?  It’s a good indication of the organizational status of your mind and maybe even your business. Oh tells a lot about how a person thinks and works. People who are procrastinators...

Service At Sea! Business Lessons Part II

So lets talk about Service and making customers feel important.  Have you ever noticed how when you visit the world’s most reknown theme parks, you are addressed as “guests”?  Not customers, but guests.  Think back to all the places you have visited...

What I Learned About Business From a Week at Sea

After a week at sea aboard the Disney Cruise Line, I can tell you that it was a wonderful experience and done with all the magic that is Disney.  From the breezy check in to the quick and easy disembarkation, Disney has developed systems that enable the crew to move...